
Top Best New Anime 2017 that are Good To Watch!

anime like re zero

Best New Anime 2017 List of winter seasonal series!!

So Now you can Browse the best new Anime 2017, in the winter season.

 In Order to Add your favorite ones to your personal watch list.


First of all, These are the next top new anime 2017 that aired and were released in winter 2017.

I think you have already heard about some great animes which will make their comeback in 2017.

such as Ao No Exorcist 2017, Kono subarashii sekai ni shukufuku wo season 2,  and Tales of Zestira 2017.

Blue-exorcist-2017 winter Anime season, 2017

You should know that there are so many Other Brand New Anime 2017.

especially when you will know the great Japanese Anime Studios, that is behind The Work such as Madhouse who is taking over Acca, Youjo Senki by Studio TBD, and Akiba’s Trip: The Animation By Studio: Gonzo.

New Anime 2017 Winter seasonal Anime List:

Akiba’s Trip: The Animation 


The Akiba’s Trip games take place in a reproduction of Tokyo’s Akihabara district, where the player must fight vampires by tearing off their clothes and exposing them to the sunlight.


Masamune-kun no Revenge


As an overweight child, Makabe Masamune was mercilessly teased and bullied by one particular girl, Adagaki Aki.
Determined to one day exact his revenge upon her, Makabe begins a rigorous regimen of self-improvement and personal transformation.
Years later, Masamune re-emerges as a new man.
Handsome, popular, with perfect grades and good at sports, Masamune-kun transfers to Aki’s school, and is unrecognizable to her.
Now, Masamune-kun is ready to confront the girl who bullied him so many years ago and humiliate her at last.
But will revenge be as sweet as he thought?
 Kuzu no Honkai


Awaya Mugi and Yasuraoka Hanabi appear to be the ideal couple.

They are both pretty popular, and they seem to suit each other well. However, outsiders don’t know the secret they share.

Both Mugi and Hanabi have hopeless crushes on someone else, and they are only dating each other to soothe their loneliness.

Mugi is in love with Minagawa Akane, a young teacher who used to be his home tutor.

Hanabi is also in love with a teacher, a young man who has been a family friend since she was little.

In each other, they find a place where they can grieve for the ones they cannot have, and they share a loneliness-driven physical intimacy.

Will things stay like this for them forever?


Rewrite / 2nd Season Moon-Hen/Terra-Hen


The second season of Rewrite. It will cover the Moon and Terra routes of the original game.


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Written by Mohsin Lag

I'm Mohsin the founder of and Bakabuzz channel on Youtube. We, the BakaBuzz Editorial Team, are true fans of anime, gaming, and manga. We enjoy watching, discussing, and diving into the world of Japanese entertainment. As fellow fans, we share recommendations on what to watch, play, or read. Our goal is to bring our expertise and knowledge to fans like you, creating a space where we can all explore the exciting realms of Japanese anime, manga, and gaming together.
All our topics are carefully reviewed by Mohsin, the owner and author behind Bakabuzz's articles on anime, manga, and gaming, boasting 20 years of experience.

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