
Anime Where MC Is From Demon Origins


Anime Where MC Is From Demon Origins


If the holy book anything to go by, demons and devils are real.

Also, the Earth is 6000 years old and you must never wear clothes of wool and linen woven together.

Maybe take that stuff about demons being real with a pinch of salt then.

Regardless, these demon boys and devil girls in anime do exist and they’re also cool as all hell.

Check out our list of the Anime Where MC Is From Demon Origins.

You may also like to read: Best 9 Anime Similar To Shokugeki No Soma

10- Shuffle!



Don’t be fooled by those ears, Nerine ain’t no elf! She’s the daughter of the Lord of Devils.

Furthermore, she’s a proficient magic user – it would be wise not to get in her bad books.

9- Yuu☆Yuu☆Hakusho


Hiei is a spiky-haired fire demon, who is short and gifted with high agility.

He has red eyes and a purple Jagan eye on his forehead, which is often covered up by a headband.

As is typical with most anime demons, Hiei is no fan of humans and likes to make fun of them.

8- Fairy Tail


Natsu Dragneel is a formidable fire mage and is, therefore, the ‘Salamander’.

If demons with an infernal bent are your thing, then you should definitely keep an eye on Natsu’s shenanigans!

Read More: 10 Best Anime Where MC Is Trapped In a Game


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Written by Mohsin Lag

I'm Mohsin the founder of and Bakabuzz channel on Youtube. We, the BakaBuzz Editorial Team, are true fans of anime, gaming, and manga. We enjoy watching, discussing, and diving into the world of Japanese entertainment. As fellow fans, we share recommendations on what to watch, play, or read. Our goal is to bring our expertise and knowledge to fans like you, creating a space where we can all explore the exciting realms of Japanese anime, manga, and gaming together.
All our topics are carefully reviewed by Mohsin, the owner and author behind Bakabuzz's articles on anime, manga, and gaming, boasting 20 years of experience.


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