
Assassination Classroom Season 2 Full Review

assassination-clasroom season 2

Assassination Classroom Season 2 Review, Characters, Animation, and More

The series offers dark humor and satire that makes it stand out among other anime series. The plot revolves around how the protagonist, Koro Sensei, and his students, who are tasked to kill him in order to save the world from his futuristic destructive plans.

Assassination Classroom is an interesting anime with some very dark themes that are explored through humor.

  • Japanese: Ansatsu Kyoushitsu 暗殺教室
  • Episodes: 47 / Two Seasons
  • Premiered: Winter 2015
  • Studios: Lerche
  • Source: Manga
  • Genres: Action, School, Comedy, Shounen, Supernatural

When you start watching this anime, you’ll be intrigued by the apparent plot. You’ll be put off a little by the main protagonist’s appearance, but his developmental character will amaze you later, all the episodes weren’t so bad once the story begins. The plot itself seems very interesting, as do the backstories of the characters.

The review of Assassination Classroom Season 2 explores how this anime employs captivating techniques, including utilizing the classroom as a dynamic backdrop, employing diverse perspectives, and infusing humor to enhance its accessibility.

Assassination Classroom Story:

assassination classroom
assassination classroom

A humorous and action-packed story about a class of misfits who are trying to kill their new teacher, an alien octopus with bizarre powers and super strength. The teacher has just destroyed the moon and is threatening to destroy the earth – unless his students can destroy him first.

What makes things more complicated is that he’s the best teacher they’ve ever had!

Assassination Classroom Season 2 picks up right where season 1 left off,  Class 3E is about to begin its second semester! And while some things have changed, the class assignment is still the same. kill their teacher before the end of the year!

It’s said that Koro Sensei won’t go down without a fight, but will these students be able to take down the tentacled monster that moves at Mach 20 before he can destroy the world?

Assassination Classroom is a great start to a new season! Definitely, one of the best anime that is worth watching.

Assassination Classroom Review Detailed

Life can be really tough, things eventually fall apart, and everyone goes through their ups and; downs. No matter what school year might have actually been fun for you, it’s time to say goodbye to Class 3-E.

This season of Assassination Classroom offers a full adaptation of the original manga. It’s one of those anime that ends up being very satisfying. I watched the first season and loved it. That’s why I immediately watched the second season when it came out.

This season of Assassination Classroom was even more interesting than the first. Here’s my review!

assassination-clasroom season 2

If you’re not a fan of Assassination Classroom, it centers around a class in a Junior High School referred to as 3E. Because of its position lower than other classes, the students are treated poorly by both teachers and fellow classmates.

The class ends up with a new teacher, who is apparently really fast and powerful which is why he’s responsible for the recent destruction of the moon. He’s making some bold claims about taking down Earth next year, but he first wants to teach the kids in Class 3-E how to become skillful students.

Team 3-E is given the assignment of killing this octopus, named Koro-sensei, by graduation. If they accomplish this task they will earn the 10 billion yen bounty on his head.

Needless to say, Koro-sensei proves he’s an excellent teacher by teaching his students not only the regular school subjects and assassination but also life lessons.

Assassination Classroom 2nd season continues where it left off, and boy does it really pick up from there! There are a few parts of the story that felt rushed in this season, but there was never any boredom!

Assassination Classroom Characters

assassination classroom review

This series gave more depth details to the characters and most of them reached a resolution by the end.

One of the main characters in this series, Asano, starts off as someone with a heart of stone and you might not sympathize with him much. But when you get to his backstory, you start to feel sympathy for him even a little bit.

Furthermore, In this season we finally get to hear Koro-sensei’s backstory, and there’s a lot of major info you can’t miss. You’ve been given no spoilers ahead of time!

Assassination Classroom Animation And Sound

Season two animation is of a top-notch was pretty much the same as in season one, seeing that it’s still Lerche animating it. So there really isn’t much for me to say here.

The animation is always well done, and the action scenes are especially easy to get into. The voice acting for this season in Japanese is also pretty good.

For the openings, and soundtracks I was left feeling a little disappointed. This season’s finale ending theme, on the other hand, I loved it.

I especially liked “Bye-Bye Yesterday”, which is the second opening theme song. It felt sad that this anime is ending and this opening really made me feel impacted by its upcoming end.


Season 2 of Assassination Classroom is a must-watch series. If you’re a huge fan of season 1 and want to know what’s coming next, or have not seen it yet, this is the perfect place to watch.

For now, it’s goodbye to Class 3-E’s assassins as they graduate and move on with their lives. I’m personally looking forward to seeing more of these interesting characters in the spin-off, Koro-sensei Q.


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Written by Mohsin Lag

I'm Mohsin the founder of and Bakabuzz channel on Youtube. We, the BakaBuzz Editorial Team, are true fans of anime, gaming, and manga. We enjoy watching, discussing, and diving into the world of Japanese entertainment. As fellow fans, we share recommendations on what to watch, play, or read. Our goal is to bring our expertise and knowledge to fans like you, creating a space where we can all explore the exciting realms of Japanese anime, manga, and gaming together.
All our topics are carefully reviewed by Mohsin, the owner and author behind Bakabuzz's articles on anime, manga, and gaming, boasting 20 years of experience.

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