The 10 Best Amazing Anime Powers
Anime Powers: means Seeing a strong hero or an opponent using some Badass techniques and abilities in anime series, and this is something that always catches our eye and breath.
We all desire that kind of Anime Super Powers.Some for convenience, Protect, control, or just wanting to become a badass…
So, here is A list of the coolest Anime Abilities and Powers.
But, keep in mind that this Countdown of top anime powers is according to Anime Fans!
1. Super Saiyan – Dragonball Ball Series
As a Saiyan, one can possesses all the powers inherent to his race, and became super-humanly strong and durable.
So, undoubtedly this is one of the greatest anime powers you should dream to have.
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2. Alchemy – Full Metal Alchemist
Science/mystical art of manipulating and altering matter by using natural energy.
Hence, This act is known as “Transmutation”.
3. Hollow – Bleach
In the Bleach Anime series, The hollow Transformation is an inner power, which takes full possession of one’s body.
Furthermore, the body undergoes a full transformation into a Hollow creature.
as a result, His mask resembles a Human skull, giving him a tremendous superpower.
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4. Nen – Hunter x Hunter
Nen, is an ability which has a profound connection with both the mind and body.
It can be regarded as a total energy of a human.By the way! I miss hunter x hunter a lot.
5. Geass – Code Geass
The Geass is a supernatural ability which makes certain people can bestow orders upon others.
The Geass manifests differently in each individual, possibly related to their inner desires and personality.
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