10. Howl’s Moving Castle – Howl and Sophie Hug

Howl no Ugoku Shiro’s companionable embrace, Howl emerges from the wreckage unscathed, and then he hugs Sophie so tight. He heals Calcifer, and Sophie begs him not to ever go out into the war again.
See Also: 11 Best Romance Comedy Action Anime Series you Should Watch
9. Nisekoi Garden of Words

8. Kyoukai no kanata

here is a great Anime Hug sample to distinguish between being friends and best friends.
7. Hunter X Hunter – Killua hugs Alluka

6. Fairy Tail – Natsu and Lucy Hug
This scene is from fairy tail priestess of the Phoenix The film ends as Natsu consoles the grief-stricken Lucy over Éclair’s death, holding her tight and hugging her, and comforting her with his words In the aftermath of the Phoenix’ rampage.