Most Powerful Anime Characters in Anime History
Read Also: Best Anime Where Characters Lose Control of their Power
4. Lain Iwakura (Serial Experiments Lain)

With the boundaries between reality and cyberspace rapidly blurring, Lain is plunged into more surreal and bizarre events where identity, consciousness, and perception are concepts that take on new meanings.
Character Type: Human
Notable Powers: Reality Warping, Information & Memory Manipulation, Time Paradox Immunity
3. Whis (Dragon Ball)
While the exact upper limits of Whis power have yet to be demonstrated, he is still by far one of the most powerful beings in the DB Universe.
Character Type: Alien
Notable Powers: Dimensional Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Super Speed, Teleport, Time Manipulation
2. Saitama (One Punch Man)

First of all, Saitama is the most powerful hero alive.
As the title suggests, he is able to defeat any monster he comes up against in one punch.
But his weakness is Mosquitoes!
Character Type: Human
Notable Powers: Super Speed, Super Strength, Unlimited Power, Can Destroy Everything By a One Punch
1. Zen-Ho (Dragon Ball Super)

Finally, Number one is The Omni King who governs the 12 universes of the Dragon Ball Omniverse.
Moreover, he is stated to be the absolute strongest character in the entire dragon ball series.
Character Type: Eternal
Notable Powers: Immortal, Death Touch, Dimensional Manipulation, Divine Powers, Flight