The anime series Tonari no Yokai-san (My Neighbor Youkai-san), based on NOHO’s manga of the same name,has revealed its cast, staff, teaser visual, and teaser PV all at once. The release date is confirmed for April 2024.
Tonari no Yokai-san is a Japanese manga by noho. It started on Twitter in August 2017 and continued on East Press’ Mato Grosso website from July 2018, collected into four tankōbon volumes.
The announcement of the anime adaptation’s main characters and production team came with the fourth volume of the manga on April 7, 2022. Liden Films is overseeing the anime tv series, directed by Aimi Yamauchi, featuring scripts by Tomoko Konparu, character designs by Shigemitsu Abe, and music composed by Avex Music Creative and Blue Bird’s Nest.
The main characters include Mutsumi Sugimoto, voiced by Asaki Yuikawa, Jirobo Enkazan, voiced by Ryosuke Higa, and Buchio Oishi, voiced by Yuki Kaji.
Tonari no Yokai-san is a slice-of-life supernatural anime that follows a story about our cat, who might be turning into a nekomata. In a rural town where youkai, people, and gods lead normal, everyday lives with a touch of warmth and occasional mystery, Buchio, a twenty-year-old cat, undergoes a sudden evolution into a nekomata during one summer. Curious about the reason for this transformation, he embarks on a journey to understand more about it, accompanied by the transforming kitsune Yuri. Meanwhile, Muu-chan observes the crow Tengu Jirou in his Tengu duties and begins to see Jirou in a new light. Around the same time, rumors of an unfortunate Nue start circulating in the town.
Source: tonari-no-yokai-san