“RINGING FATE” also known as Mingyun Quan Tai, is an original anime directed by Li Haolin, the mastermind behind Time Agent -LINK CLICK-. The highly anticipated series will air its first episode, titled “Where Am I?”, on January 8, 2025, in Fuji TV’s late-night anime slot B8station.
The story follows Kaname, a young man who, after succumbing to an incurable disease, finds himself in Kuu—a realm between life and death—with little recollection of his past. In this enigmatic world, he meets Saburo, a formidable figure. Together, they decide to enter the “Ring of Destiny,” a mysterious arena that offers participants a chance at resurrection.
The Japanese-dubbed version of “RINGING FATE” will air on Fuji TV’s late-night anime slot, B8station, starting January 8, 2025. The voice cast includes Kana Hanazawa as Kaname, Yuichiro Umehara as Saburo, Takeo Otsuka as Eden, Sho Kano as Tim, and Tsuguo Mogami as Okuma.
Originally streamed on bilibili from December 22, 2023, to February 16, 2024, the series comprises 12 episodes. The production features character designs by HAKURO and music composed by Yuki Hayashi, with animation by Kung Fu Frog Animation and MOJO.
International viewers can anticipate streaming availability on platforms such as Crunchyroll and Netflix, though official announcements are pending.
For a glimpse into the series, watch the official main trailer below: