
20 Most Powerful Anime Characters in Anime History!

Most Powerful Anime Characters in Anime History


16. Gildarts Clive (Fairy Tail)


Gildarts Clive is an S-class wizard, who uses Crush magic, and is known as the strongest mage in Fairy Tail.

Character Type: Human

Notable Powers: Super Strength, Disassembly Magic, Crash, Blast Power.


15. Sailor Galaxia (Sailor Moon)


 She is well known amongst the Galaxy for wreaking havoc and ruining worlds in her quest to obtain the strongest Senshi Crystal. in addition, She is the most powerful Sailor Senshi in the galaxy and the ruler of Shadow Galactica.
Character Type: Alien
Notable Powers: Darkness Manipulation, Dimensional Manipulation, Energy Absorption, Soul Absorption

14. Madoka Kaname (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)


In the anime, she initially lives a normal and happy life, but is then faced with the decision of becoming a magical girl.

Character Type: Human
Notable Powers:  Cosmic Awareness, Divine Powers, Magic, Marksmanship, Weapon Master

13. Shanks (One Piece)


First of all, Red-Haired Shanks is the Yonko that rule over the New World.
He is also a former member of the legendary Roger Pirates, the only group to successfully conquer the Grand Line.
Also, Shanks still a mystery in One piece, Because he just appeared a few times in the series, But when he shows up, all I know is $hits will going down.
Character Type: Human
Notable Powers: Haki, Swordsmanship, Super Speed & Strength.


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Written by Mohsin Lag

I'm Mohsin the founder of and Bakabuzz channel on Youtube. We, the BakaBuzz Editorial Team, are true fans of anime, gaming, and manga. We enjoy watching, discussing, and diving into the world of Japanese entertainment. As fellow fans, we share recommendations on what to watch, play, or read. Our goal is to bring our expertise and knowledge to fans like you, creating a space where we can all explore the exciting realms of Japanese anime, manga, and gaming together.
All our topics are carefully reviewed by Mohsin, the owner and author behind Bakabuzz's articles on anime, manga, and gaming, boasting 20 years of experience.

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