The Suicide Squad Isekai anime adaptation has introduced the main cast, and there’s a new trailer, visual, and music to check out. This anime is inspired by DC Comics’ “Suicide Squad” and takes us into a world of action and fantasy. The story follows infamous villains like Harley Quinn and the Joker, brought together by ARGUS Director Amanda Waller for a dangerous mission in a world of swords and magic connected by gates.
Suicide Squad Isekai is a new anime based on DC Comics’ Suicide Squad. It’s being produced by Warner Bros. Japan and animated by Wit Studio. The series is set to premiere in 2024, featuring the opening theme song “Another World” by Tomoyasu Hotei. Eri Osada is the director, with Tappei Nagatsuki and Eiji Umehara as screenwriters, Naoto Hosoda as the character designer, and Kenichiro Suehiro as the composer. The original character drafts come from manga artist Akira Amano.
In the upcoming Suicide Squad Isekai anime, we’ve got an exciting cast lineup! Anna Nagase takes on the role of the lively, crazy, and unpredictable Harley Quinn, while Yūichirō Umehara brings the iconic laughter and chaos as The Joker. Reigo Yamaguchi steps into the shoes of the sharpshooter Deadshot, and Takehito Koyasu embodies the peace-loving yet deadly Peacemaker. Jun Fukuyama transforms into the shapeshifter Clayface, and Subaru Kimura takes the role of the underwater hero as the formidable King Shark.
The story of Suicide Squad Isekai anime is based on Warner Bros description which says: In the dangerous city of Gotham, Amanda Waller, the leader of A.R.G.U.S., gathers a team of well-known criminals: Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Peacemaker, Clayface, and King Shark. They’re on a mission that takes them to another world connected to ours through a gate. This alternate realm is filled with swords, magic, orcs, and dragons—an “ISEKAI” world!
With explosives in their necks, there’s no escape, and failure means a one-way trip to the afterlife! Can Harley Quinn and her crew survive this risky ISEKAI realm?