The comedy slice of life TV anime series Days with My Stepsister is confirmed to premiere in July 2024, and will be animated by Studio Deen. They’ve even shared some visuals that showcases the designs for the main characters.
The story of Days with My Stepsister anime follows Yuta Asamura, who gains a new step-sister, Saki Ayase, after his dad remarries. Saki, a beauty at the top of her class, now lives with Yūta. To avoid any family drama, they decide to keep a reasonable distance, finding a balance. Saki, longing for family affection, struggles to depend on others, while Yūta, as her older brother, is figuring out how to connect with her. As they navigate these challenges, they gradually become comfortable living together.
Days with My Stepsister is part of a larger project created by Ghost Mikawa, including a YouTube channel and a light novel series that started in January 2021, along with a manga adaptation that began in July 2021.
Yuta Asamura is the main character, voiced by Kohei Amasaki. He’s Saki Ayase’s step-brother and a second-year high school student, dealing with family stuff. Saki Ayase, voiced by Yuki Nakashima, is Yuuta’s step-sister and also in her second year of high school. Tomokazu Maru, voiced by Daiki Hamano, is Yuuta’s classmate, his only friend at school, and he really likes otaku stuff. Maaya Narasaka, voiced by Ayu Suzuki, is Saki’s cheerful classmate who becomes her friend to help her not feel lonely. Shiori Yomiuri, voiced by Minori Suzuki, is a university student working part-time at the same bookstore as Yuuta. Taichi Asamura, voiced by Kōhei Amasaki, is Yuuta’s real dad and Saki’s step-dad. Akiko Ayase, voiced by Eriko Hara, is Saki Ayase’s real mom and Yuuta Asamura’s step-mom. They all have different relationships, and the series shows what their lives are like.
Source: Natalie